Käre Familj och Vänner,
there folks! Boy, I have to say that I am loving the news that has been
coming from the emails I have been receiving! First off, A huge
congratulations to my cousin Jordan on her marriage last week. Man oh
man, I wish I could have been there (although, from what I heard, I may
have been in attendance by proxy via a Sarah Palin cutout). I hope that
all goes well with the radiation, and know that I am praying for you and
your new husband that you can both start off your new life together
without any worries in the background.
Also worth mentioning is an early happy birthday to my
wonderful brother, Taylor! Bro, I still can't believe that you are
turning 16 in three days. It's just crazy, man! I hope that it is
absolutely sick, and that you have a blast on your date! =)
Ok, so I'm sure you are all wondering what has occurred in the
life of Äldste Ogaard this week. Well, except for a few scattered
experiences worth noting, not much, honestly. Semester rages on, and the
number of people we meet with continues to steadily decrease as the
month progresses. I'm praying that the fast approach of August will
bring things back to speed, but it's hard to tell. It is, after all,
Sweden we're talking about.
But, moving on to that which actually matters. So this week,
we had several awesome opportunities, as well as a couple funny
experiences. For instance, this week has been absolutely crazy when it
comes to biking! We have rode here, there, all over the place. The
longest of our travels via cycle this week was most definitely our trip
out to our bishop's house. 5.6 kilometers uphill one way, and like 4.1
kilometers down coming back. Man, I thought my bike was going to explode
when we got going on the downhill. I caught some video of it, but sadly
it is too big to email. But yeah, so lots of exercise for me this
Also really awesome, I got to return to Västerås for companion
exchanges last week! I was with a greenie (Äldste Packer of Pleasant
Grove, Utah) and we had a super sick time! we went street contacting,
met with Mikael and Diana, and basically just tore up my old hometown.
It was really fun to be back in Västerås with my improved Swedish
skills, and to share my knowledge of the area with a new greenie. I have
decided that as soon as possible, I want to train. It would be so fun.
One funny story I have to tell about this trip: So Hitch and I
were headed down to Västerås Thursday morning, and we had to leave
super early to catch our train (hint: we woke up at
to get ready), so we were still dead tired still by the time our train
got to Ludvika for us to switch to the Västerås train. So we get off the
train, and wait around for about 15 minutes before hopping on the
Västerås train. We immediately start dozing once we get in our seats. So
right as the train starts moving, Hitch jumps right up and says
-totally dazed- "We need to get off the train, Now!" Without even
waiting for me to say anything, he springs over to the conductor and
tells her they need to stop the train. She, all super worried, asks him
why. Oh man, you should have seen the confusion on her face when Hitch
told her he needed to get on the Västerås train, and his when she told
him that this
was the Västerås train. So he comes walking
over to me, and I am just dying with laughter. Needless to say, I teased
him about that for a couple days. I still wonder what would have
happened if he had hopped off that train without me, though...
Anyways, so yeah, not a ton going on right now, but
that's my week. I hope that you all have a wonderful week, and that you
remember how much the Lord loves you. In way of spiritual message, I
leave you with this, borrowed from a talk given by Elder Ballard of the
12 Apostles:
wealthy father knew that if he were to bestow his wealth upon a child
who had not yet developed the needed wisdom and stature, the inheritance
would probably be wasted. The father said to his child:“All
that I have I desire to give you—not only my wealth, but also my
position and standing among men. That which I have I can easily give
you, but that which I am
you must obtain for yourself. You will qualify for your inheritance by
learning what I have learned and by living as I have lived. I will give
you the laws and principles by which I have acquired my wisdom and
stature. Follow my example, mastering as I have mastered, and you will
become as I am, and all that I have will be yours.”
I hope
that you all remember that we follow the commandments to become
something, not just to avoid something. It's really helped me on my
mission to keep that in focus.
I love you all, I miss you, and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
Signing out till next week,
Äldste Kody Chistopher Ogaard
A Dalahäst I saw while on my adventures this week |
Some of the amazing scenery of Darlarna I saw on my bike ride from the Bishop's house |
Äldste Packer, the greenie I totally wore out in Västerås on Thursday |